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Archive for October, 2010

Spooky Presentations – When Botox Makes You Say “Boo!”

“Eyebrows up!” I say this to my clients every day. “Don’t be a poker face, raise your eyebrows, and smile!”
When speaking to a group, displaying a flat face is like playing a zombie in one of those Halloween movies—you come across as lifeless and boring, just like the living dead. Keeping a poker face when [...]

2010 World Series: Speaking Lessons from the Pinch-Hitters

I’m thrilled that one Bay Area team is in the World Series this year, but as many of you know, I’m a fan of the team on the other side of the bay—the Oakland A’s.
I’m undecided about who I’ll root for in this year’s match up, although that’s hard to admit in public around here. [...]

Improve Your Presentation…One Bit at a Time

I spent three days last week teaching our Technical Demo Presentation Skills program to a wonderful group of Application Engineers. The participants embraced our methodology and worked hard to develop their delivery skills and content. They did a great job, but many revealed that they found it difficult to develop “Touch Points” within their presentations.

Melinda Gates’ Presentation Skills Speak Volumes about Her Passion

How does someone who is seemingly so private and averse to publicity come across effectively on a prominent television news program like 60 Minutes?
I watched Melinda Gates in awe on Sunday night as she passionately described the work she and her husband Bill are doing at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. While I’ve seen [...]

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