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Archive for the 'Historical Speakers' Category

In Celebration of Black History Month: The Legacy of Booker T. Washington

“The highest test of the civilization of any race is in its willingness to extend a helping hand to the less fortunate. A race, like an individual, lifts itself up by lifting others up.” — Booker T. Washington
I became reacquainted with the legacy of Booker T. Washington a few years ago when I received a [...]

A Shocking Secret from a Speech Coach

Psst…hey you…yeah, you…do you want to know a secret about someone many people consider one of our country’s greatest public speakers? Okay, here goes…even though he was very eloquent and his words changed history, he often felt pangs of nervousness and anxiety when he stood up to speak. In fact, when he first began speaking, [...]

Public Seminar Schedule


Encore! Elegant Skills for Powerful Presentations

February 24 & 25 — SOLD OUT
March 15 & 16 —SOLD OUT
May 12 & 13 — Mill Valley, CA

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