What Participants Say
"Well done and thank you -- this has been one of the best classes I've had in my corporate career -- practical and immediately useful."
"I was extremely impressed with the course and the instructor. I have improved my skills, am more confident and ready to present!"
"This was like one of those makeover shows -- miraculous transformations by everyone in the class."
"Class was excellent. I learned a lot about speaking and I've been through these before. There was more substance here and I appreciated the subtle points about speaking that I wasn't aware of. Every sales rep should have to take this course. Very valuable."
"Exceptional course -- indispensable feedback from video and instructor, perfect pacing, easy to absorb, great coaching. I will be urging my staff to enroll -- perhaps even nagging them to do so."
"The instructor was organized, motivating, quick and perceptive. She modeled what she taught and made it look natural and easy."
"Great balance between theory/instruction and practice. We were always asked to incorporate what we just learned -- to practice immediately -- very effective. I can do this!"
"The video feed back was nerve-racking and awful but a necessary evil! I really improved very quickly once I saw all my bad habits -- it was like aversion therapy!"
"Everybody should go through this! It is a great help for all sides of life -- a truly portable skill." |